Mold Remediation Photo Gallery

Mold remediation in Woodbury NJ,

Mold remediation in Woodbury NJ,

Here are some common places in a home where mold is likely to take hold:

  • around leaking pipes, windows, or roofs (the constant supply of water gives mold spores the start they need)
  • basements or other places that have flooded and haven't been thoroughly dried
  • tightly sealed buildings (common with new construction), which trap excess moisture inside, and
  • homes with poor ventilation, numerous over-watered houseplants, and housekeeping habits that ignore obvious dampness and don't include airing the place out.

Mold remediation in Westville NJ

Mold Remediation in Westville NJ, Mold is a fungus that comes in various colors (black, white, green, or gray) and shapes. While some molds are visible and even odorous, mold can also grow between walls, under floors and ceilings, or in less accessible spots, such as basements and attics. Mold does best in water-soaked materials (paneling, wallboard, carpet, paint, ceiling tiles, and the like), but can survive in almost any damp location. Mold can grow in houses situated in the desert, and it can grow in homes in hot and humid climes.

Mold remediation and Water damage in Sewell, NJ,

Mold remediation and Water damage in Sewell, NJ, If you have mold like this in your home, you need to get it cleaned up as soon as possible in order to prevent health problems from beginning or worsening. If you have black mold covering a large area (greater than ten square feet) or mold growing in your heating and ventilation ducts, the Environmental Protection Agency recommends having a professional handle the cleanup.  It’s also best to have a professional handle the job.

Mold remediation in Woodbury NJ

Mold remediation in Woodbury NJ, Mold can also grow on floors, of course. Here’s a picture of  black mold growing. If you see mold on carpet, there’s probably mold under the carpet, as well. It’s usually impossible to remove mold from carpet; in most cases, the carpet must be removed and replaced.

Mold remediation in Woodbury NJ

Mold remediation in Woodbury NJ, black mold growing on a ceiling, which often happens after a roof has been leaking for a while. If you see mold on your ceiling, there is a good chance you have mold in your attic, as well.

Mold remediation in Westville NJ

Mold remediation and damage in Westville NJ, Black mold, officially known as stachybotrys chartarum and sometimes referred to as toxic mold, is typically black and slimy in appearance. Its appearance may vary somewhat depending on what type of surface it’s found growing on, though. It is typically found in areas that stay damp, whether from a leak in the roof, leaky pipes, leaky toilets, or leaky windows. It can also begin to grow after a home has been flooded. We’ll show you some examples of what black mold may look like.

Here is a picture of toxic black mold growing on a wall. When you see a lot of black mold on a wall like this, there is often mold growing inside the wall, as well.